namnam123 Wrote:RON,
present perfect makes us troubles on GMAT. Ron, could you please tell us all the cases you know, in which present perfect is used. Pls, give us example for each case.
this is an unfairly general question. (it's also an impossible question for me to answer, as i don't have this sort of thing memorized; neither would any other native speaker.)
fortunately -- as in the case of any other extremely general question -- you can get answers quickly and easily by just googling.
just google "english present perfect" and start reading the top hits.
waiting for you, Ron.
i'll thank you not to make comments like this -- comments that come off as rude or demanding.
(if that wasn't your intention, then, ok -- but the surrounding etiquette is still an important lesson to learn, especially for someone who presumably wants to go into business in an english-speaking country. this comment does look like an impatient demand: "i'm waiting for you...")